ODPP Library Services
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) Library provides a valuable research and reference support service to all state prosecutors with an extensive range of online resources and a wide ranging collection of print materials.
The Librarian regularly circulates legislation updates, new decisions and case laws for all ODPP lawyers. Individual lawyers are also assisted with their research queries. The Librarian also assists our lawyers in providing them with up to date legal resources via the internet or postal services.
Inter-Library Loan
The ODPP Library, on inter-library loan basis, exchanges legal text books and reports with the Suva High Court library and the Attorney-General’s Chambers Library.
Collection Development
The Librarian in consultation with the Assistant DPPs carries out the following tasks for the development of the library’s collections:
- Evaluation and selection of new law textbooks, law reports and Journals;
- Monitoring of new information sources;
- Accessioning and cataloging of Law text books;
- Sorting, Indexing and binding of Local Government Gazettes, Supplements, Decrees and all local Judgments; and
- General maintenance of library law texts and reference materials, including discarding of outdated publications, repairing of text books, compiling the digital library system with recent case judgments and upgrading of the organizational structure of the library.
Legal Research Platforms
The Library is subscribed to online legal research platforms, namely, Justcite, a search engine that assists in identifying case laws and legislation from common law jurisdictions around the world and Justis which is an online library of the UK, the Irish, the EU and international case laws and legislation.
The library also has an online library management system, Liberty.