ODPP Registry Section
An efficient file management system is critical for the ODPP to deliver its services to the courts and to the members of the public and our State Prosecutors.
Our Registry Section is responsible for:
- The organization and management of physical file storage;
- Maintaining and organizing the ODPP file database;
- Updating State Counsels court diaries;
- Managing the logistics in terms of file allocations;
- Following up on files from police stations and other ODPP offices; and
- Preparing and filing documents in court.
The ODPP Registry is headed by, Ms Susana Vuniani who is assisted by a team of four staff based at the Suva headquarters, and other litigation staff based at our outer divisional offices around the country.
CASES Management System
An electronic document and records management system called CASES is in use by the ODPP. This software allows prosecutors to record and view all information relating to prosecution matters through a single interface.
CASES records details of all cases and allows:
- ODPP lawyers to update their matters for record keeping and efficient tracking purposes;
- The DPP and ADPPs to track progress on matters dealt by the ODPP, and
- Conduct efficient and fast searches of categorised case matters.