ODPP Media & Public Relations
As the public grows more discerning towards information and with developing technology, the need to create greater awareness of what we do and why we do it has become ever more apparent. We also recognize the public’s right to have access to accurate reporting of the Fijian criminal court system and its proceedings.
Through its Media Liaison Officer (MLO), the ODPP aims to fulfill its obligation to the public by assisting media organizations in their reporting of court proceedings by providing media updates and press releases.
With the aim of maintaining a responsible and dynamic relationship with the media, the ODPP is committed to responding to media enquiries promptly.
Any requests for updates on any media issues must be directed to the MLO either by telephone at +679 3211563 or email odpp.media@gmail.com
Enquiries to individual ODPP officers will be directed to the MLO. The current Media Liaison Officer is Ms Farisha Ahmed.